Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It All Comes Down To This

All the training I've been doing for the past 12 weeks is going to be tested on Saturday. This weekend is the half-marathon that I've been working so hard for! I did a half-marathon a few weeks ago to familiarize my body with the distance (2 half-marathons in 4 weeks...not too shabby!). Since I did that, I know I can do the 13 miles but this Saturday I'm running with a goal in mind. After all the hill training, sprint drills, tempo runs and long distance runs....my body has really endured a lot! I've suffered through aching knees, afflicted hips and distressed feet but it's all been worth it (did I really just say that??). On Saturday I'll be running along with 5,000 other people and I must say that I am so anxious for this race! The route starts uptown and goes through the most charming parts of this city.

The rest of my week will be depleted with prepping for Saturday. I'll be giving my feet some much needed TLC, fueling my body with nutrients, utilizing my foam roller and resting up! I'll be sure to blog with pics from the race!

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK!!! You will do great and all of your hard work will pay off!
